Officially meeting for the last time since April 17, the UPS Teamsters National Negotiating Committee convened today in Washington, DC, to review all final changes and improvements to the new tentative national master agreement.
The contract, reached with UPS on Tuesday, includes 60 new and revised article improvements — more achievements for members than any prior contract cycle, with zero concessions. The historic tentative agreement includes record-setting wage increases for all UPS Teamsters across all classifications, catch-up raises for part-timers, pension and health and welfare protections, air conditioning in new vehicles and other heat stress safeguards, and an end to forced overtime, among other significant gains.
After reviewing new contract language, the Teamsters’ national committee again unanimously endorsed the tentative deal. The agreement will go to the full UPS Teamsters membership for review and ratification next week.
A two-person meeting of representatives from all 176 Teamsters locals with UPS members will be held on Monday, July 31, to consider the final agreement. Upon formal recommendation, contract summaries and voting instructions will be mailed to all UPS Teamsters and voting will open on August 3. Members will have until August 22 to continue to review the terms of the new agreement and electronically cast their vote.
A full copy of the UPS Teamsters Tentative National Master Agreement is available now for members to read and review on the UPS Teamsters app. Examples of new wage increases for UPS job classifications is available on the app as well to help members see tentative wage gains for their position and seniority.