(WASHINGTON) – As the United States responds to the outbreak of COVID-19, we must ensure that working people are able to perform their jobs in a safe working environment and that sick leave is available to all workers. Without adequate sick leave, workers will be forced to continue working in order to provide food and… Continue reading Teamsters Statement on Coronavirus Pandemic
UPS Teamsters covered by the Central Pennsylvania Supplement have ratified the agreement. UPS Teamsters covered by the Western Pennsylvania and Local 243/Metro Detroit supplements have rejected those two agreements. Voting took place over the past several weeks and votes were tallied today. Another supplement yet to be voted on is the Local 804 Supplement. However,… Continue reading UPS Teamsters Central Pennsylvania, Western Pennsylvania and Local 243/Detroit Metro Supplemental Vote Results
The UPS Supplemental Agreements ballot count for Central PA, Western PA and Local 243 Metro Detroit will take place tomorrow at 4 p.m. (Eastern), Tuesday, March 5. Listen to the ballot count (LIVE) by calling:1-866-767-0669 You can also watch the ballot count online here (this link will be activated before the vote count).
UPS Teamsters covered by the Upstate and Western New York Supplement have ratified the agreement. Voting took place over the past several weeks and votes were tallied today. Total YES votes: 642Percentage YES: 34.78%Total NO votes: 1204Percentage NO:65.22% Total Votes: 1846Eligible Voters:3979 Turnout %: 46.39% Four other supplements remain outstanding: Central Pennsylvania; Western Pennsylvania; Local 804; and Local 243 Metro… Continue reading UPS Ratify Supplement