Teamsters Local 171

Payroll Calculator on the UPS Teamsters App

The International has launched a new feature on the UPS Teamsters app! The Payroll Calculator helps you keep track of your hours and pay, giving UPS drivers, inside workers and all classifications a tool to fight back when management shortchanges our members. Don’t let the company steal your time. Keeping your own records helps build… Continue reading Payroll Calculator on the UPS Teamsters App

MLK Day of Action UPS Roanoke, Lynchburg and Dublin

HONORING DR. KING AND THE FIGHT FOR LABOR DIGNITY King dedicated his life to the fight for racial and economic justice and was a steadfast supporter of the labor movement. He spoke at union conventions and walked picket lines with workers. Union members and leaders marched with King in the “March for Jobs and Freedom”… Continue reading MLK Day of Action UPS Roanoke, Lynchburg and Dublin

BGDC (Kroger Warehouse) Contract Ratified Overwhelmingly by a 2-1 margin


Todd Robertson from Local 171 is Chairman of the UPS National Safety and Health Committee. He is attending the proposal meeting for the UPS Contract to discuss the 11,000 proposals from across the country. This morning, General President Sean M. O’Brien and General Secretary-Treasurer Fred Zuckerman opened a meeting of the UPS National Screening Committee… Continue reading TEAMSTERS UPS NATIONAL SCREENING COMMITTEE CONVENES TO REVIEW PROPOSALS

Tick tock, UPS. This is the year UPS Teamsters come to collect what they are owed. This is the year we put management in its place and win the strong contract that our members deserve!

UPS Package Drivers Sign the 9.5 list

Attention UPS Package Drivers: You have until January 5th to sign up on the 9.5 list and protect yourself from excessive overtime. The 9.5 list gives drivers the right to file grievances over pay when they are worked more than 9.5 hours more than twice a week. When UPS violates 9.5 rights, Article 37 of… Continue reading UPS Package Drivers Sign the 9.5 list

James R Hoffa Scholarship Recipient

Thanks to all the Stewards that attended the Steward Seminar



ABF – Jeff Booth ARAMARK – (Plant): Misty McCombs, Nick Pugh, (Drivers): Mike Surrell BGDC – David Beckner, Marty Bolden, Alan Dean RUAN – (Drivers): Jerry Davis, Scott Douglas, (Garage): Brandon Witcher SCHWERMAN TRUCKING – Clay Mitchell, Terry Gordon UPS DUBLIN – (Part-time): Charles Kyle, (Full-time): Walter Akers, Josh Morgan, David Turpin UPS LYNCHBURG – (Delivery):… Continue reading Stewards